Masula Chiropractic Neurology and Family Wellness
30 Philadelphia Suite A, Chico, CA 95973
(530) 342-6441 www.
Larry E. Masula, DC Board Qualified Chiropractic Neurologist
Confidential Report:
Local Doctor Reveals the Shocking Truth
About Getting Rid Of DIZZINESS!
Read This Special, FREE Report To
Find Out What Your Friends, Family, Or
Even Your Doctor May Not Know About
How to Eliminate DIZZINESS Once And For
All…Without Drugs Or Surgery!”
Keep reading this special report to find out about the natural methods to ending your misery that even your own doctor may not know about! Inside this FREE report you’ll discover:
— Why going to your doctor is a good idea to rule out a pathological cause of dizziness (caused by a tumor or stroke) BUT when your dizziness is NOT caused by pathology and you are NOT responding to medications or exercises……IT IS TIME TO LOOK ELSEWHERE!
— Why 90% of inner ear surgeries are unnecessary and unsuccessful!
— What you don’t know about using medications CAN hurt you! (watch for side effects!)
— The most successful treatment of chronic dizziness or vertigo doesn’t involve any drugs or surgery!
— What to do right now if you suffer from ANY type of dizziness! And much more!
WARNING: Chronic, long, lasting dizziness or vertigo (a.k.a. BPPV) is an often-mistreated and potentially disabling disorder that affects the lives of millions of Americans each year. That’s the bad news. The GOOD NEWS is that you may not have to continue suffering! Keep reading this report to find out the well-hidden truth you won’t find anywhere else!
Dear Friend,
You or a loved one may be suffering from vertigo (dizziness) – a horrible condition that strikes millions of Americans each year. What we’re going to reveal inside this report may show you how to finally rid yourself of dizziness without drugs or surgery! Be sure to read everything – it may be the most important thing you’ve read in a long time!
Before we get started, do you ever find yourself asking any or all of these questions?
• Why am I dizzy?
• Why doesn’t the vertigo simply go away?
• Why can’t I just be like normal people?
• How bad can this get?
• Will I eventually be confined to my bed?
• Will I ever be able to live the life I used to?
See, if any one of these problems or concerns is affecting the quality of your life, then you need to finish reading this report right now! Why do I say this? Because you may discover how to get on a path where your pain and suffering can be relieved quickly, naturally, and affordably!
Nothing Is Worse Than Feeling Great Mentally, Wanting To Take In All
Life Has To Offer…Only To Have Your Natural Enthusiasm and Drive
Squashed Because The Dizziness Just Won’t Go Away!
Isn’t it sad to feel so alive and full of vigor, and not be able to do all the things you want because your dizziness is so pervasive, so intruding, and so unfair? Don’t you feel downright angry because this problem, these symptoms, just won’t go away?
If you do, it’s only normal. After all, who wants to be burdened with carrying a load of discomfort and living life through an all-encompassing fog of dizziness? Dizziness that’s always there when you stand up, sit down, lie down, or bend over. Vertigo that’s always rearing its head, no matter how hard you try to ignore it.
It’s natural for people to try to tough it out and get on with their lives. “If I ignore it long enough, it will go away…” Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Ignoring your vertigo will only make it worse over time. What was only a mild dizziness a month ago may become a chronic, crippling vertigo years down the road.
See, the bad thing about vertigo is that it sneaks up on you. The real cause of the dizziness you’re feeling right now may have happened years ago. It may have been such a small injury you may not have noticed it. Or maybe you felt a slight light-headedness, but it went away after a day or week so you didn’t think anything of it.
And slowly, over the years, as you continued to do your normal activities, that old injury has secretly gotten worse and worse without you being aware of it. After a time, the straws slowly built up until one day they broke the camel’s back. Maybe what finally put you over the edge was that heavy chair you tried to lift, or that time you bent over too quick, or any one of a hundred things.
Whatever it was,
The Fact Is You Are Suffering From Dizziness And You Don’t Have To Suffer Anymore!
So what do you do? What choices do you have? See, you wouldn’t have requested this special report if you weren’t experiencing some level of dizziness. We know you may have already tried getting some relief from over-the-counter drugs, or you may have met with your private doctor
Let me share with you the story of a patient.
Gary is a seventy-three year old retired resident of a local retirement home. While in Panama City, Panama on vacation Gary developed a serious case of vertigo. Gary says, “On August 7, I woke up and the room was spinning…but now it is not as strong but I’m still spinning.” For 9 months, Gary suffered from mild lightheadedness and dizziness.
Gary felt dizzy all day. He tossed and turned all night, but no matter how he laid down, the dizzy feeling would not go away. Finally, a friend took him to a medical clinic in Florida and medication was prescribed. He then returned home to California and consulted an ENT specialist, his Cardiologist, and his Family Physician. The physicians told Gary he had an inner ear problem. He was given various medications and numerous examinations ruling out, heart, brain etc. Finally he was given a prescription for meclizine and told to “Relax, stay in bed. You’ll be back to yourself in no time. If it gets worse, come back in and we’ll try something else.”
Gary would have to take pill after pill every few hours because the dizziness would come right back as soon as the pills wore off. After months of medical treatment, he was taking more pills more often just to keep the dizzy feeling away so he could get on with his life.
None of the medications proved helpful.
After 9 months of taking the drugs, Gary realized that he was no better off and that he just didn’t feel like the same person he’d always been.
Most doctors will treat YOUR dizziness with medications or exercises, and if those treatments don’t work, they will probably tell you to…”LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT!”
What Gary didn’t know was that most doctors have no idea how to treat someone with dizziness. It’s just not their specialty. And since they have no background in this area, they make improper diagnoses and deliver improper treatments that just don’t work.
You see, your medical doctor may have diagnosed your condition as an “inner ear problem,” which it could be. However, a large cause of dizziness is due to a decreased firing of the cerebellum and not simply “an inner ear problem.” The cerebellum is the back part of the brain which controls your balance and movement. When there are decreased impulses in the cerebellum, you will be dizzy. Please understand that the inner ear AND the cerebellums are CONNECTED by the vestibular branch of the 8th cranial nerve and…
Unless The REAL Cause Of Your Dizziness (i.e. the Cerebellum) Is Treated, You’ll Never Get Better!
Gary didn’t know about any of this, just like you may not have. But because you now have this knowledge in your hands, you won’t have to suffer like he did.
Soon enough, Gary was back in his doctor’s office feeling worse than ever. His physician told him that physical therapy would be the answer. He told him he knew a great therapist, and before he knew it, his life would be back to normal.
Don’t get me wrong. Sometimes physical therapy can help tremendously. Head exercises or Epley’s maneuver does work, and I even use it in my office with certain dizziness/vertigo patients. In some instances, I’ve even sent some of my own patients to a physical therapist when I thought it was necessary. Unfortunately, when it comes to most cases of dizziness, medications or exercises simply don’t work!
In Mathematical Terms:
Wrong Diagnosis + Wrong Treatment = YOU WITH DIZZINESS!
You see, the reason behind this goes all the way back to your doctor’s ability to diagnose the true cause of your dizziness. If your doctor cannot clearly identify what’s making you dizzy, then the instructions he gives to the physical therapist don’t stand a chance of working. It’s like trying to bake a cake with the recipe for chocolate chip cookies.
Most medical treatments for dizziness only focus on removing symptoms. For instance, medications may make you feel better for a short time, but the dizziness will still be there when they wear off. Also, you are left open to potentially dangerous side effects. Other treatments, such as head or eye exercises, are ineffective because they stem from a misdiagnosis. That is to say, your doctor could be treating the wrong side of your body.
Gary returned to his doctor. His life was a wreck and heed required the assistance of a friend to get around. He could no longer sit straight in his chair or walk without feeling dizzy. Sometimes the dizziness made him feel sick to her stomach.
Gary was told by his family physician, “I’m going to refer you to a surgeon who’s worked with cases like yours before but I can’t promise that he’ll be able to cure you. You may just have to learn to live with some dizziness for the rest of your life…”
Believe it or not, these words are spoken all around the country every day. Maybe they’ve even been spoken to you. To have a surgeon cut you open is a pretty drastic decision. You know you don’t want this option. There are too many questions: What if they’re wrong? What if my problem doesn’t go away? What if it gets worse?
These things happen all the time. In fact,
Inner Ear Surgery Is Often The Most Ineffective
Form Of Treatment for Dizziness/Vertigo!
And to top it all off, each time you go under the knife, you need to face the small but potential risk of going under anesthesia and getting an infection!
Listen! You may not have to live with this! You DO have other options! You may not have to be on sleep-inducing drugs to keep the dizziness under control! You may not have to get used to feeling like you are a drunken sailor. You should not have to alter your lifestyle because of dizziness!
There is a better option! And luckily for Emily and YOU, it’s about to be revealed. You’re about to…
Discover One of The Safest, Quickest, And Most Successful Treatments Of Dizziness To Date…
This is the most advanced, scientifically correct treatment there is. You see, this method doesn’t just sweep dizziness under the rug; it treats the REAL cause of your condition. Because the source of your dizziness is being taken away, you’ll quickly be out of the woods, possibly permanently! Like any truly advanced form of healing, this method works with your body’s own natural healing powers (that’s right, with some help your body can take care of itself!) to put you back to where you were before you were ever dizzy!
Isn’t that how healthcare should be delivered in the first place? Don’t you agree?
My name is Dr. Masula and I work with the author of the best-selling book What Do You Do When the Medications Don’t Work?-A Non-Drug Treatment of Dizziness, Migraine Headaches, Fibromyalgia, and Other Chronic Conditions, Dr. Michael L. Johnson. As a Doctor of Chiropractic and a Board Qualified Chiropractic Neurologist, I have been trained to correct the problems that are causing your dizziness fast, and if possible, permanently. You can go to Dr. Johnson’s website and watch a FREE video on dizziness/vertigo at You will need a high speed connection to view the video.
Now, don’t think that because my methods are non-drug and non-surgical they are old-fashioned or low-tech. No way! What we’re talking about is a very sophisticated natural protocol to treat the problems in your cerebellum that you have developed and can’t get rid of. Just because we don’t cut you open and view the back part of your brain under a lens, doesn’t mean what we do isn’t at the forefront of healthcare and won’t dramatically enhance the quality of your life!
We’ve been treating victims of dizziness, just like you, for over 30 years – this stuff just plain works!
There’s something you’ve got to keep in mind. We are dedicated to changing the lives of dizziness sufferers here in northern Chico. This is what we do. This is our calling. This is what we know forward and backward.
I’ve got over 30 years of experience helping dizziness victims quickly and naturally without drugs or surgery. (Check out our testimonial sheet to hear what our patients have to say about working with us!)
I’ve Got Over 30 YEARS Of Clinical Experience In Treating Vertigo To Back Up
What I’m Telling You Right Now! What We Do Is Scientifically Correct And Proven
By Over A Thousand Patients Who Used To Suffer…And No Longer Do!
Odds are, we’ve seen and helped people with the same exact problem you suffer from right now. (Without drugs and surgery, don’t forget!)
See, unlike some doctors, and possibly even your friends or spouse, we understand exactly how you feel. In fact, one of the reasons I decided to become a doctor was because I suffered from vertigo. Nothing would work for me until I finally saw a chiropractor who knew exactly what was wrong with me and how to fix it.
We don’t think your dizziness is “in your head” or that you’re “exaggerating.” We don’t think it’s something you need to get used to or learn to live with. No.
We know how bad you feel. We know how horrible it is to have a lingering vertigo that you can’t get rid of. We know how it feels to not be able to do the activities you used to love or to tell a child “Mommy can’t do that with you right now.”
When you explain your problems to us, we’re not going to downplay them just because they don’t appear on the surface or easily show up on an x-ray.
We’re not going to feed you lines like “you’re just going to have to learn to live with the dizziness.” And we’re not going to scare you into undergoing risky and expensive procedures for one of the most common conditions in the country…
Gary bumped into an old friend at the retirement center who also happened to be a patient of mine. It wasn’t long before he was crying on my patient’s shoulder explaining everything that he’d been through with his dizziness.
Concerned, this friend explained that I had treated her and she was as good as new. I sat down with Gary and listened to his story. I explained a little about the same method I’m telling you about. Immediately his eyes lit up and he was eager for me to do an exam to find out what was really wrong with him. After a quick and painless optokinetic examination, I spotted a couple problems with his eye movements, and from there we designed a treatment plan to get him out of pain quickly and safely without drugs or surgery stop the vertigo.
I’m happy to tell you that now Gary has his life back. He’s been free of vertigo for 5 months now and he reports that he’s feeling fantastic! And as an added bonus, Gary’s cardiologist informed him that his heart function had improved 20% and asked him what he had been doing differently.
We’re not going to make you feel like there’s something weird or wrong with you. You’re not going to have to feel like you have to be guarded or cautious when you explain your ailments to us. We WANT you to unload your feelings, concerns, and fears so we can help you get better! WE UNDERSTAND.
While we can’t brag about being able to treat every condition out there, we do brag about being one of the leading authorities in the treatment of dizziness in the entire West!
When you have a suffering marriage, for example, instead of going to the bar and covering up your pains and problems with alcohol, you should consult with a counselor specializing in spousal relationships. Similarly, when you have a dizziness problem, you should get help from a health care professional who only focuses on problems such as yours, someone who is experienced in finding and fixing the problem, not covering it up. Does that make sense?
When YOU Have Chronic Dizziness or Vertigo, You NEED to be calling OUR OFFICE ASAP!
We will never claim to be something we’re not. But if you want to get the right diagnosis, the correct evaluation, and the proper treatment for your dizziness, then we are the experts to help you!
In this day and age of specialization, you need to always work with the right professionals who specialize in the area you need help in. Being “familiar” or “knowledgeable” about vertigo isn’t even close to being enough.
You need to get advice and help from people who have devoted their lives to eliminating dizziness once and for all!
You wouldn’t want to have your child delivered by a doctor who assists with deliveries every now and then, would you? You wouldn’t want your teeth cleaned by someone who does that once or twice a month,
would you?
So why would you go to a physician or chiropractor who has little, if any, working knowledge of EXACTLY how to diagnose and use non-chemical, non-surgical treatments to remove the CAUSE of dizziness?
It doesn’t make sense. Now you know who does have the answers you seek so desperately. You’re almost there. So don’t stop now!
When you come in, you’ll have the chance to meet with us, get to know us, and tell us about your problem. Then we’re going to do an EMG Test using a piece of high-tech equipment used by NASA scientists and an OPK Test. These tests will give us a quick idea about the severity and true location of your ailment.
If, after the appointment, you believe there’s no benefit to working with us, you can simply leave and that is that. However, if you do find that you can use our help, then we will discuss how to proceed. We will be able to verify your insurance coverage and tell you about our low, no-interest monthly payment options.
So if you’re experiencing symptoms, have been treated with little or no improvement, or want to compare our opinion to the care you’re currently receiving, please CALL US RIGHT NOW at (530) 342-6441. Our appointment calendar is always booked solid – so don’t procrastinate. If you’re concerned, make that call to us now. What have you got to lose? Why not finally get better? Either way, we wish you good luck, with a bright nature, shining in the light of excellent health!
Dr. Larry E. Masula